50 Fun Frugal Family Ideas for Spring with ideas to inspire you.
These ideas are perfect for anyone wanting to not spend a lot of money to have some fun family time.

50 Fun Frugal Family Ideas for Spring.
This listing is intended to give inspiration for ideas.
While not everything may not be for you and your family, there are most likely ideas on this list that can inspire you.
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Having a family movie day or night is just one great and affordable idea for families.
The movies in that listing may be perfect for that too.
Are you looking for ideas for family activities? Here are some fun ideas for family activities that may work for you.
This listing is especially for anyone looking for fun family activities.
Especially for anyone looking for activities that do not cost a lot of money.
We all know how some activities can get expensive.
Most everything on this listing can be done for free.
Other activities can also be done inexpensively.
I like that everything listed can be fun to do!
What can kids do in spring season?
Many kids have been cooped up indoors for some time thanks to the weather.
This means that they may be ready to venture out.
The good news in that mother nature helps us find fun stuff to do.
As weather warms up, we can venture out.
And as we venture out, there are new things to see thanks to mother nature.
Tips for planning family activities.
Planning family activities can be easier to do when everyone is involved.
Start with a family meeting and allow for input from all.
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More tips for you.
- Set a budget. While some activities start out free, there may be something that will cost money (gas, lunch, etc).
- Plan a calendar with dates and time. Make sure that everyone knows that those times and days are for family fun.
- Invite a friend or another family. This may make things more fun.
- Keep a diary whether written or with pictures. You can even select a family historian to be incharge of this.
Indoor activities that families can do in the Spring.
1. Family movie day or night
2. Make a family tea party with beverages and cookies. Invite relatives.
3. Host a spring cookie or dessert exchange.
4. Spring clean your home.
5. Gather items you are no longer using and donate them.
6. Make a birdfeeder and put it outside to watch the birds.
7. Research local birds that you see in your yard.
8. Listen to the sprig birds that are outside.
9. Game night or game day.
10. Make a family album or book.
11. Start a family website or social media page.
12. Family reading day.
13. Make kites to fly.
14. Decorate your house for spring.
15. Bake cookies for spring
Outdoor Spring activities for families.
16. New park in another town
17. A trail that you have never visited
18. Day camping
19. Fly kites
20. Tidy up a yard, yours or another
21. Collect yard waste for donation
22. Plan out your garden
23. Have a scavenger hunt in your neighborhood.
24. Decorate your sidewalk or path for spring.
25. Have a spring picnic.
26. Sketch the spring flowers.
27. Discover something new in your town to do.
28. Roast marshmallows in the backyard.
29. Watch the night sky in your backyard.
30. Find a rock in your backyard and paint it for spring.
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Location activities for families.
31. Free or cheap admissions to places such as Zoos or children's museums
32. Visit a local store to see what is new for spring for inspiration.
33. Look for spring themed books at the local library.
34. Go on a rock hunt.
35. Attend a swap meet or flea market.
36. Select three playgrounds to visit and compare their paths, swing sets, or picnic benches (or whatever).
37. Visit a school playground whether yours or another school.
38. Head to the human society for meet the pets.
39. Hit the local dollar store to look at seasonal items such as decorations.
40. Go on a scavenger hunt at the local mall.
41. Look for budding flowers in your yard, a park, or even around the neighborhood.
42. Visit a local bookstore to listen to readers.
43. Hit the nursery or store to look at spring flowers.
44. Purchase spring fruit at the grocery store and use it in a recipe.
45. Visit an outdoor garden to see what is growing.
Other ideas for frugal family activites.
46. Organize a neighborhood spring parade.
47. Volunteer to help clean up a park.
48. Take your dog on a walk or visit the local dog park.
49. Visit a national park on a free date.
50. Tour local government buildings in your town or even the state capital.