How to Grow Amazing Tomatoes with little effort.
I believe that tomatoes should be enjoyed by eating and not stressed by growing.

How to Grow Amazing Tomatoes
This is a guide for anyone wanting to grow tomatoes that taste great.
You do not have to be an expert to grow tasty tomatoes!
Did you see my article on How to make a Raised Garden Bed?
A raised garden bed is the perfect place to grown tomatoes.
I say this because a garden bed has the space needed that allows for tomato plants to grow.
There are many helpful items out there that can help you grow tomatoes. You can find tomato growing ideas here.
Some people ask why you should grow tomatoes.
The easiest answer is that growing your own tomatoes means that you can skip going to to the store to buy them. Picking your own tomatoes means that you can get fresh tomatoes right off the plant.
However, growing tomatoes takes time.
It can take up to a couple of months to actually get that first tomato from your plant.
However, before you know it, you will have enough tomatoes to give away or preserve for later use.
Everyone wants to know, what is the secret to growing tomatoes.
That would be great if there was a simple secret to growing tomatoes.
There is some work involved that involve know-how rather than a secret.
There are basically three things to keep in mind when it comes to growing tomatoes.
- Location.
- Soil.
- Water.
Tips for growing tomatoes.
When selecting tomatoes to grow in your garden, take into consideration the expected harvest date of the plant. I like to plant quick harvest tomatoes (such as early bird) along with longer harvest ones (I like Roma) to get a good supply.
More tips for you
- While you could simply plant tomato seeds in the ground, it is probably a better idea to purchase starter plants instead. This will not only give you a head start on growing tomatoes, it will ensure that you are using successful starts.
- Take into consideration the amount of space that you actually have to grow tomatoes in. While the plants may start out small, tomato plants can take up a bit of space as they grown.
- Resist the urge to plant your plants too early in the season. It is important that the soil be warm enough (above 60f) and the outdoor temperature does not get too cold (40f at night).
The best location to grow tomatoes.
Tomatoes love direct sunshine.
For great growing tomatoes, your tomatoes will need at least eight hours of sunshine a day.
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Here are some more considerations for where to grow your tomatoes.
Tomatoes need a lot of space especially when you add stakes or cages to your plants.
Another thing to keep in mind is fencing if you have issues with animals getting into your plants (I have rabbits in my yard despite the watch dogs..).
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You may also be interested in these ideas.
The soil used to grow tomatoes is important.
Start by adding fresh soil or rotating the soil that you have to break up clumps and add air.
Then mix in compost with the soil, a few inches of compost is a good amount to use.
Tomatoes like soil that is somewhat acidic.
The optimal pH for growing tomatoes is between 6. and 6.8.
You can find inexpensive soil pH meters here and fertilizers for tomatoes here.
How to plant tomato plants.
You have prepared your soil and tested the pH.
Now you are ready to plant those plants.
Steps for replanting tomato plants that you have purchased.
- Plants should be planted about a foot apart from one another, give or take for the expected maturation size of the plant.
- Dig a hole for the plant that is about as deep as your plant is tall.
- Give the packaging holding the plants a few pinches in order to loosen up the dirt and then turn the plant on its side and gently pull in from the container.
- Place the plant into the ground (you want about ⅔ of the plant in the soil).
- Cover the plant that is in the soil with additional soil, fertilizer, and additional mulch if needed.
You may also be wondering what is the best way to water tomato plants.
Tomato plants need up to two inches of water a week.
However, if your weather gets hot and dry, your tomato plants may need even more.
The best time of the day to water your tomatoes is early in the day.
Water the soil rather then the plant itself.
Also, adding mulch to the soil helps keep the moisture in the soil.
Use the soil as a gage for whether your plants are getting enough water.
How to maintain tomato plants.
When your plant begins to grow you can add a tomato cage or use a garden stake.
I use those twist ties left over from plastic bags to attach my plants as they are easy to use and relocate.
Monitor your plant soil as needed.
You may need to adjust the pH, add tomato fertilizer, apply additional mulch as needed.
Also, as the plants grow, you may also need to trim the plants.