Homemade Rose Toner is a refreshing treat for the skin.
I like that this is the perfect use for roses that are getting old.

Homemade Rose Toner
This is a do it yourself beauty idea for the skin.
Also, this is a great way to reuse roses that have aged.
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That is another homemade idea that you may be interested in.
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To make this a skin toner for the skin you will need to add witch hazel. You can find witch hazel here.
People ask how can rose petals be used for the skin.
I love roses which is why I hate when my roses age.
As a result, I am always looking for new used for my rose petals.
Adding the rose petals to a liquid to help my skin sounds like a great idea.
I especially like the smell that the roses add to my beauty regimen.
However, there are experts who say that rose petals are good for inflammation and have antioxidant qualities.
You may be wondering which is better, toner or astringent.
The answer really has to do with your skin and the needs of your skin.
Age may also play a factor.
A toner is a more neutral liquid used to clean or invigorate the skin.
On the other hand, an astringent will contain a chemical, such as alcohol, that will clean the pores of skin oil. An astringent may be best for a teenager while a toner may be best for more mature skin.
Tips for making this homemade skin toner or astringent.
Rinsing the petals may be a good idea if there is dirt or debris. Do this carefully as the petals may be fragile.
More tips for you
- To make this into s simple toner use witch hazel with no alcohol. A witch hazel with alcohol can make this into an astringent.
- Pour some into a small spray bottle to make this into a refreshing mist. Or use a roll on to make this into something to roll on to skin.
- Use distilled water instead of witch hazel to make this into a refreshing rose water.
Personalize your rose toner or astringent.
This is really a nice idea for reusing rose petals to help the skin.
It is simple to make and feels great on the skin.
Here is how you can make this diy idea even better.
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- Add a few drops of glycerin for skin moisture.
- Birch wood extract, a drop or two, may help with damaged or aging skin.
- Adding a few drops of mild surfactant plus water can make this into a skin cleanser.
- Adding a few drops of essential oil can give this an added rose fragrance.
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About this homemade rose water toner.
This is a do it yourself idea for using rose petals to make a homemade skin cleanser.
To make this, use rose petals that have not yet dried out.
Witch hazel is used to make this.
Using witch hazel with alcohol can make this into an astringent while using witch hazel with no alcohol will make this into a toner. Another option is to simply use distilled water.
Ingredients needed to make homemade toner or astringent.
- Pint sized mason jar.
- Witch Hazel- ¾ cup. Use witch hazel with alcohol for an astringent or witch hazel with no alcohol for a toner.
- Rose petals- 1 cup. The petals should still have some life in them (not be dried out) and be removed from the stems.
How to make Homemade Rose Toner or Astringent.
Step One: prepare.
Wash out the mason jar and allow it to fully dry.
Carefully remove the rose petals from the stems of the flower.
Step Two: combine the ingredients.
Stuff the petals into the mason jar. Press the petals into the jar leaving as little space as possible in the jar. Then pour the witch hazel over the petals and seal the jar.
Step Three: process the ingredients.
Carefully shake the jar so that the petals are all covered with the witch hazel.
Then place the jar in a cool dark location such as a cupboard or closet. Remember to check on the jar every other day and to give it a shake.
Two weeks after you sealed the jar, you can remove the jar from the storage location.
Place a clean strainer over a clean jar or bowl and pour the mixture with the rose petals over the strainer so that the liquid can run through the strainer. The petals that are left in the strainer can be discarded while the liquid can be transferred to a clean jar or container for use.
This should keep for about two weeks at room temperature or longer if refrigerated.
How to make Homemade Rose Toner. A diy beauty recipe for making a toner for the skin using rose petals.
Homemade Rose Toner
- Pint sized mason jar.
- ¾ cup Witch Hazel-
- 1 cup Rose petals
- Stuff the petals into the mason jar. Press the petals into the jar leaving as little space as possible in the jar. Then pour the witch hazel over the petals and seal the jar. Carefully shake the jar so that the petals are all covered with the witch hazel. Then place the jar in a cool dark location such as a cupboard or closet. Remember to check on the jar every other day and to give it a shake.
- Two weeks after you sealed the jar, you can remove the jar from the storage location.Place a clean strainer over a clean jar or bowl and pour the mixture with the rose petals over the strainer so that the liquid can run through the strainer. The petals that are left in the strainer can be discarded while the liquid can be transferred to a clean jar or container for use.
See tdiyandfun.com for details on this DIY idea.