How to care for your houseplants during winter can really make a difference to both your home and to the plants.
Not only can houseplants bring some beauty and character to your home, they can also help improve the air quality around you .

Simple steps for winter care for houseplants.
Because, even though your houseplants may be inside, they can still be affected by the weather.
This is a listing of the easy steps and expert tips that you can take to help your houseplants survive the winter.
Did you read about How to Grow Plants from Cuttings?
Growing fresh plants from simple plant cutting is a simple yet, inexpensive way to grow your garden. This is also something that you can do indoors during colder weather.
Easy plants to grow can easily be found online. You can find a selection of easy plants along with helpful accessories, here.
Frequently asked questions about houseplants.
Houseplants are a popular and inexpensive way to enhance mose any room in a home. They also make for a great gift idea.
Here is why owning houseplants can be beneficial too.
🔵 Houseplants can be beneficial to the air quality in your home.
🟡 They can also reduce stress, boost your mood, and even help with creativity.
🟣 Perhaps the most common reason for owning houseplants is that they can add color and comfort to a room.
The cold weather and shorter days can be a challenge to the average houseplant.
Other factors that can have an effect on indoor plants include heating, humidity, and the available lighting.
However, there are easy steps that you can take to ensure that your plants stay alive through the colder months. From ensuring that they get the right amount of light and temperature control to careful watering habits, these expert tips will help you keep your plants vibrant and vital all winter long.
Tips for growing healthy houseplants.
My biggest tip for growing healthy houseplants is not to overdo or over-think the process.
Overthinking things can lead to overwatering, over-fertilizing, and not giving your plants enough time to adjust.
More tips for you
- Remember to Water your Plants Regularly but, not too much.
- Choose Drought-Tolerant Varieties of plants for Low Maintenance Care.
- Increase the Humidity in your home as needed for Optimal Health.
- Since the daylight is shorter during the winter months, you may want to Consider Increasing Sunlight with a Grow Light.
- Make sure that your plants are not stressed. You may need to Move Plants Away from Drafty Windows or Systems for example.
- Lastly, select easy plants to take care of indoors as a start.
How to water indoor plants.
While during the colder months you may not need to water your houseplants quite as frequently as in the warmer months, it may still be important to keep a regular watering schedule as needed. Water your plants thoroughly, but be sure not to overwater them.
Tips for watering indoor plants.
- Use a watering can or mister so that you can control the moisture.
- Indoor plants do not necessarily need for the soil to be soaked after watering. Instead, the soil should be moist rather than wet.
- The best time to water your indoor plants is in the morning.
- It is a good idea to test the soil first and then water slowly.
Choose Drought-Tolerant Varieties for Low Maintenance Care.
Low maintenance indoor plants can be a great choice for those of use who may not always have the time to water plants. Also, while indoor plants may not need a lot of attention, you should check on them as needed to make sure that the leaves and the growth are doing okay. .
Low Maintenance Care for indoor plants.
- Watering and fertilizing indoor plants as needed.
- Propagating, pruning, or trimming plants as needed.
- Simple house cleaning such as dusting and removing debris as needed.
Increase Humidity for Optimal Health
You probably already know that the winter months can get dry. Not only can it be more dry when it gets cold outside, you most likely are heating your house with dry heat.
Here is how to add more humidity to your home for your plants.
- Use a humidifier to keep the moisture levels up throughout your home.
- Place your plants in pebble trays with stones and water near plants as this can also create humidity.
- Lastly, mist the leaves on your plants regularly with a spray bottle. Doing so should help to keep your indoor plants hydrated.
Make sure that your plants are getting plenty of light.
Since the days are generally shorter during the winter months, your plants are most likely not getting all of the light that they need. Making sure that your plants are near a source of sunlight is the first step that you can take.
Consider Increasing Sunlight with a Grow Light.
- Grow lights are relatively inexpensive.
- For best results, place the lights eight-10 inches away from your plants (follow the directions just to be sure with your specific light).
- Lastly, try to maintain consistent light throughout the day as this will help to keep your plants strong and healthy.
Move Plants Away from Drafty Windows or Systems
Cold drafts can cause harm to both indoor and outdoor plants. As a result, the cold draft can cause leaves to shrivel or yellow.
How to help protect your plants from cold drafts.
- Place your plants away from drafty windows or HVAC systems.
- Also make sure that your plants are not placed near an open-fireplace
- Lastly, remember that sudden changes in the temperature or the humidity in your home can shock your houseplants which can result in compromising .
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The easiest houseplants to take care of.
It is almost always easiest to start out easy and work you way up. Learning how to take care of the easy plants will help you get more confident with the harder houseplants.
Here are five of the easiest houseplants to take care of.
- Rubber Plant.
- Inch Plant, aka, Wandering Jew Plant.
- Pothos.
- Peace Lily
- Aloe Vera
1. Rubber Plant.
As its name suggests, the Rubber Plant, or Ficus Elastica, has leaves that look like shiny rubber.
This houseplant is a sturdy species that originates from India and Malaysia. .
Here is what else you may want to know.
- The rubber plant has thick dark green waxy leaves and can grow quite tall when given the right conditions.
- This houseplant can be especially perfect for those of us who are in search of a plant that has an impressive appearance inside of a room.
- The Rubber Plant requires indirect sunlight and water approximately once every two weeks depending on the conditions.
- The rubber plant can respond well to pruning that is done to promote proper growth as well as maintaining a desired size and shape.
2. Inch Plant aka Wandering Jew Plant
The Wandering Jew is an excellent choice if you’re looking for a unique and easy-to-care-for houseplant.
This is a beautiful plant that can be easily grown indoor. The inch plant also grows fast and can 'creep' or spread.
Here is what else you may want to know.
- This plant is especially impressive when hung in a basket because of the way that it grows and creeps.
- This particular plant thrives in bright, indirect sunlight and should be watered whenever the soil feels dry.
- The inch plant can be a perfect choice for those of us with a busy lifestyle because it can survive periods of drought (up to three weeks).
- Lastly, it is best to keep the inch plant out of direct sunlight as this can cause the leaves to fade in color 🙁 .
3. Pothos Plant
They're When properly cared for they can even flower!
The Pothos Plant, aka Epipremnum aureum, is another easy to care for houseplant. This plant features green and variegated white or yellow foliage.
Here is what else you may want to know.
- The pothos plant is a versatile plant as it tends to be tolerant of low light conditions while thriving in bright places too.
- This is another plant that may be ideal for hanging baskets. However, the pothos is also capable of climbing up tall live plants stands.
- Lastly, with occasional pruning the pothos may continue to flourish without taking up too much space in your home.
4. Peace Lily
The Peace Lily, or Spathiphyllum wallisii is another top contender on the list of to care for houseplants. It is also an especially nice gift idea for a birthday, holiday, or Mother's day.
Here is what else you may want to know.
- The peace lily has lush, deep green foliage and exotic white waxy flowers. These feature help to make this a beautiful low maintenance plant choice for a home.
- Also, the peace lily is said to be one of the best air purifying plants around helping to cleanse harmful toxins such as benzene and formaldehyde from the air.
- Like other species which require less water and light, the peace lily needs more occasional watering in order to stay healthy.
5. Aloe Vera
The aloe vera is not just an easy plant to maintain, it may also be helpful for skin care and first aid (I use mine all the time for these purposes!). It is is the succulent leaves of the aloe vera plant that hold a gel-like substance inside which is often used in oaps, lotions and ointments.
Here is what else you may want to know.
- Aloe vera does not need a lot of water- you may only need to water yours twice a month!
- The aloe vera plant does best in indirect light, making it easier to find a location in your home to keep.
- This is a really easy plant to propagate, making it perfect for gift giving too!
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In case you missed it...
- Simple steps for winter care for houseplants.
- Frequently asked questions about houseplants.
- Tips for growing healthy houseplants.
- How to water indoor plants.
- Choose Drought-Tolerant Varieties for Low Maintenance Care.
- Increase Humidity for Optimal Health
- Make sure that your plants are getting plenty of light.
- Move Plants Away from Drafty Windows or Systems
- The easiest houseplants to take care of.
How to care for your houseplants during winter, a simple guide for keeping healthy plants during the cold months and the 5 easiest houseplants.
Thanks so much for visiting!
If you decide to try any of the ideas listed in this article please tag on social media @diyandfun. We like to hear your ideas and suggestions.
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