25 Fun Family Winter Activities is a great idea for anyone looking for something to do.
These activities are family friendly and relatively inexpensive as well.

25 Fun Family Winter Activities
This listing is for families looking for ways to spend time with one another.
Many of these ideas work for most any group of people as well.
Have you seen my listing of 20 Cheap Fall Activities for fall?
Many of those activities would work during the winder months as well.
Plus, those activities are inexpensive too!
Are you looking for activities specifically for kids? You can find a lot of great ideas for winter activities for kids here.
This listing is especially for anyone asking how do I entertain my kids in the winter.
Many of use know all about those boring days that can occur.
It is that time of the year between the holiday season and the start of spring afterall.
The winter season may seem to be more limited than the other seasons.
This limitation has a lot to do with the cold weather.
Also, many of us may be paying off our holiday season bills which limits the amount of money that we can spend.
What activities are popular in the winter?
If you have snow available to you and warm coats, gloves etc. then you are in luck.
You can share some of the fun snow inspired activities.
Here are winter outdoor activities that are popular in the winter.
- Building a snowman. This takes as little as 20 minutes and a carrot for a nose.
- Sledding- if you have a small hill or a rope to pull someone, this can work for you.
- Make Snow Angels- This is as simple as lying in the snow and flapping your arms and legs.
- Use birdseed and peanut butter to make a birdfeeder.
- Make a family movie party.How to make a Family Movie Night at Home
Here are some tips for planning family activities for winter.
Have a family meeting and ask everyone to suggest three activities that they would enjoy doing together.
Start with a small list of three to five activities from the suggested activities that everyone can agree on doing.
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More tips for you
- Make a checklist for what everyone should bring or do for the activities.
- Assign everyone a task, whether small or large, for the activities to get them involved.
- Together select the dates that for each of the activities.
Take a family hike
- Go pinecone hunting. There are so many uses for pinecones. You can make a fall display with them, make ornaments with them, or turn them into bird food.
- Visit those places that are too crowded to visit in the other months. When the beaches are closed for swimming, they can be a great place to visit without those crowds.
- Plan a winter scavenger hunt. Go on a family hike with a list of fall or outdoor things to look for (birds, pine cones, cool looking sticks, squirrels, etc.).
- 25 Ways to Make Family Hikes Fun!
- Bring binoculars to look for birds flying by or in the trees.
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More creative ideas
- Blow bubbles in the cold weather to watch them harden.
- Make Snow fort with the snow and some old boxes or lawn furniture.
- Have a backyard scavenger hunt looking for backyard items that may be covered in snow..
- Watch the winter stars in the sky.
- Find an indoor pool to go swimming (check out local hotels or park districts).
Yummy ideas
- Hot Cocoa on the porch with blankets and a book.
- Outdoor Picnic with simple snacks
- Bake winter inspired food such as Monster M&M Candy Cookies
- Bake something winter inspired such as Peanut Butter and Apple Muffins that you can give to a neighbor or grandparent.
- Make some warm cocoa with 'snowman marshmallows'.
More involved ideas (parental help)
- Build a backyard ice rink.
- Light up the grill for some s'mores.
- Shovel the driveway.
- Or shovel the sidewalk for your neighbors.
- Make a path in the snow around your backyard.
25 Fun Family Winter Activities , a listing of inexpensive and fun family friendly ideas to enjoy during the winter season.